How do I create a Website Sign Up Form?

How do I create a Website Sign Up Form?

To create a Website Sign up Form follow these steps:

  1. From the Contacts tab click the "Sign up forms" link of the contact list you want to create a Sign up Form for.

  2. Click 'Add Sign Up Form'.

  3. Select the 'Website Form' and click 'Continue'.

  4. You can select a template or design your own sign up form.

  5. Edit the sign up form with your choice of text, colors and design. Select all the fields you would like your contacts to fill in when completing your sign up form. You can choose which fields are required for your contacts to fill in. You can also adjust the width to what best suits your website. Once you’re done make sure you click the 'Save' button.

  6. Next click the action for what happens after the person clicks on 'subscribe' and click 'Continue'.

  7. You can change the name of your sign up form. Don't forget to click 'Continue'.

  8. Next you'll see your code that you can copy to your website to host your sign up form. Click 'Continue' when you're done.

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