Where is Campayn.com hosted and how secure is my data?

Where is Campayn.com hosted and how secure is my data?

Location & Security

Our data centers are located in Canada. It is monitored 24/7 for all aspects of operational security and performance. It is also equipped with state-of-the-art security such as biometrics and sensors for intrusion detection.

We have redundancy at every layer of our application to ensure a smooth recovery in the event of any type of hardware failure. All sensitive data is stored on servers behind a constantly maintained firewall. Our database servers are secure by additional access restrictions, and more sensitive data is encrypted.


Campayn’s data centres are situated outside the Patriot Act jurisdiction area. Our strictly enforced privacy policy ensures your data is kept safe and secure at all times. Only limited staff have access to your account.


Our Canadian servers are not in air conditioned rooms but use water cooling which enables 70% of heat emitted by the processors to be dispersed cutting energy costs in half.


To learn more about data protection you can go here: http://campayn.com/legal

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